Galen (9)Full unit name: Galen
Last updated: 17.05.2024 23:49:05
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Known Facts (13)
Stolen Secrets (5) »
  • Was a member of Strategic Information Service (SIS)
  • Used H2 Heavy Blaster
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    General, we have a lead on the thieves.
    Var Suthra
    This is Agent Galen with the Strategic Information Service. Agent, these young Jedi will assist you.
    Thirty-two hours ago, thieves raided a military storehouse. They stole weapons, supplies and data files for the Planet Prison project. The thieves' leader slipped up--showed his face to a security camera. We identified him from our criminal database. Vistis, Rodian smuggler, staying with the so-called Migrant Merchants' Guild. Nasty bunch of criminals.
    Eli Tarnis
    Why would alien gangsters rob a military storehouse?
    Hero of Tython
    They must know what you're working on.
    Eli Tarnis
    Impossible. It must be a coincidence.
    The guild is a violent, well-armed criminal cartel. Invading their headquarters is something only a Jedi could pull off.
    Eli Tarnis
    Oh, dear. I really must go sit down. Excuse me....
    Kira Carsen
    Agent, let's use your fancy security network to distract those gangsters. Give my friend and the thief some quality time.
    When you find Vistis, contact me. The data files are top priority, but try to recover anything else that was stolen from us. Good luck.
  • Var Suthra, T7-O1, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, Eli Tarnis
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Vistis Garn
    Whoa, whoa! I give up! I only work for the guild part-time. I'm not dying for them. You here for something special, Jedi? Take anything you want. I'll even help you steal it.
    Hero of Tython
    Agent Galen? I believe I found our thief. Agent Galen? I believe I found our thief.
    Get the stolen design files and hurry back. We've had a major security breach.
    Hero of Tython
    Got it. What's happened now, agent?
    This holochannel isn't secure. I'll brief you at the Senate tower. Galen out.
    Vistis Garn
    Hang on... you're after those data files I lifted? I knew I should have charged more for that heist! Let's make a deal, huh? I have the data files, but the guild already decrypted them. I transmitted a copy to my clients. You want the people who hired me. I'll tell you where they are - if you promise to let me go.
    Hero of Tython
    Tell me about your employers, and you can leave.
    Vistis Garn
    I love Jedi. You're such reasonable people.
    Black Sun hired me. Them and the guild are rival syndicates, but I work both sides. My deal was to use the guild's slicer to decrypt the data files and then transmit a copy to Black Sun.
    Hero of Tython
    What is Black Sun's interest in military data files?
    Vistis Garn
    Beats me. What do I care?
    Thief = irrelevant // Black Sun = real culprit
    Vistis Garn
    Look, you can take the data files I stole. Just let me go.
    Hero of Tython
    You're free to leave. So long as everything you've told me is true, we have no further quarrel.
    Vistis Garn
    You got a good heart, Jedi. Think I'll go visit my friends on Nar Shaddaa....
  • Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Vistis Garn
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Hero of Tython
    I got your files - but the thief transmitted a decrypted copy to Black Sun. I got your files - but the thief transmitted a decrypted copy to Black Sun.
    Krand! Run a full diagnostic. Find out what was in these files.
    You found our stolen military hardware. Good - we need it.
    While you were gone, kidnappers grabbed Doctor Tarnis.
    Hero of Tython
    This is the most secure building on Coruscant. It's full of guards.
    Guards never stood a chance. Whoever the kidnappers are, they knew right where to hit us. We were guarding Tarnis night and day. Whoever did this knew our procedures.
    Hero of Tython
    Who are these kidnappers?
    No idea - but they're well organized and dangerous.
    Kira led a security team in pursuit, but the kidnappers split up during the chase - hang on. Signal coming in....
    Kira Carsen (HOLO)
    Agent Galen! I've got these creeps pinned down - but they won't surrender!
    Padawan Kira = in danger // Jedi + T7 = must help
    Kira Carsen (HOLO)
    Don't know how long I can hold them!
  • Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Krand
  • Kira Carsen (from Kidnapping of Doctor Tarnis)
Kidnapping of Doctor Tarnis (4) »
  • Was a member of Strategic Information Service (SIS)
  • Used H2 Heavy Blaster
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    She's in over her head.
    Hero of Tython
    Have you informed Orgus and Kiwiiks about this?
    They're in orbit with the Supreme Chancellor and our fleet commanders. Too far away to help.
    Hero of Tython
    She needs backup. Tell me where to find her.
    Kira's signal came from the spaceport. The kidnappers may try taking the doctor offworld.
    You need to stop the kidnappers before they escape with Doctor Tarnis. Hurry!
  • Hero of Tython, T7-O1
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Doctor Tarnis is the least of our worries, General. The stolen data files had details, not only on the Planet Prison - but every weapon prototype and research facility in existence.
    Var Suthra
    Our most powerful experimental weapons, and Black Sun has access to them. How could this happen?
    Hero of Tython
    What does Black Sun stand to gain?
    They could make a fortune selling secrets to our enemies
    Hero of Tython
    What are the other weapon prototypes- and why didn't you tell us about them?
    Var Suthra
    Things are called "top secret" for a reason!
    Orgus Din
    Calm down, old friend. It's a fair question - but one for another time.
    Bela Kiwiiks
    We must act quickly to secure these other weapons. Where are they?
    Var Suthra
    Three offworld research facilities. Minimal defenses to give them a low profile. They're vulnerable.
    Orgus Din
    Master Kiwiiks and I will split up and protect two.
    And I'll take the third one.
    Orgus Din
    You get the fun part - rescuing Doctor Tarnis and the copied data files from Black Sun.
    Hero of Tython
    We'll be back in time for dinner.
    Bela Kiwiiks
    Kira will stay behind, too. With Agent Galen leaving, her computer talents will be needed.
    Orgus Din
    She can be impulsive, but give her a chance. You'll make a good team.
    Hero of Tython
    She's rough around the edges, but I like her.
    Bela Kiwiiks
    Share what you've learned. She will benefit from your example.
    Orgus Din
    We should go. May the Force be with us all.
    Var Suthra
    I'll escort you to your ships, my friends.
  • Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Bela Kiwiiks, Orgus Din, Var Suthra
The Rescue (4) »
  • Was a member of Strategic Information Service (SIS)
  • Used H2 Heavy Blaster
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Before I go, I'm putting all my resources at your disposal. There's a special tactical unit in Black Sun territory.
    Experienced security officers who have been fighting those gangsters for months.
    Go to these coordinates. Talk to Sergeant Nidaljo. He can help you rescue Doctor Tarnis and get those copied data files.
    Hero of Tython
    I appreciate all your help.
    It's been a privilege working with you. I'll let him know you're coming.
    Don't underestimate the Black Sun gang. They enjoy killing and they're good at it.
    Kira's on her way. I'll get her plugged into our security network before I leave. Good luck.
  • Hero of Tython, T7-O1
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Agent Galen ordered Nidaljo and his men to secure the perimeter around Black Sun HQ
  • Nidaljo


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Strategic Information Service (SIS)
Known weaponry
H2 Heavy Blaster
All characters this character met
Hero of Tython
Kira Carsen
Orgus Din
Vistis Garn
Bela Kiwiiks
Var Suthra
Eli Tarnis
Complete list

Full unit name: Galen Last updated: 17.05.2024 23:49:05